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Nicola Luigi Bragazzic

Nicola Luigi Bragazzic

University of Genoa, Italy


He was born on the 2nd of March in 1986 in Carrara (MS), Tuscany (Italy) and is currently a MD, a MSc, a PhD and a resident in Public Health. He got his MD (medical degree) on the 15th of July in 2011 with a final mark of 110/110 cum laude with a thesis on Personalized Nanomedicine ("Nanomolecular aspects of medicine, at the cutting-edge of the nanobiosciences in the field of health-care") and the joint Italo-Russian MSc (Master of Science) in nanobiotechnologies at Lomonosov Moscow State University (27th April 2012). He got his PhD in nanochemistry and nanobiotechnology at Marburg University, Germany with a final mark of “very good” and is currently a resident in Public Health at University of Genoa, Italy, 3rd year. He is author and/or co-author of several publications.


Abstract : Ramadan fasting and oral pathologies