Mohamed Khaled Ahmed Azzam
King Abdulaziz Medical City -National Guard Hospital, Saudi Arabia
Dr Azzam graduated from Cairo University in 1976 followed by a training program from Minnesota Dental School-Minnesota-USA in Surgery in 1982. He finished his Master’s degree-M.D.Sc in 1984 in Removable Prosthodontics from Cairo University in 1984 and then completed one year fellowship in Removable Prosthodontics in Tufts dental School, Boston –Massachusetts –USA 1989-1990. He finished his PhD –D.D.Sc in Removable Prosthodontics 1993 after which was teaching in King Abdulaziz Dental School in Saudi Arabia for ten years as an Assistant Professor in Removable Prosthodontics. Currently he is the Removable Prosthodontic Consultant in King Abdulaziz Medical City – National Guard Hospital – WR, Saudi Arabia He presented over 100 National and International lectures all over the world and in 2009 was awarded Best Oral presentation in 31st Asia Pacific Dental Congress.
Abstract : Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Reflex (NTI) Tension suppression system (TSS)