Kamis Gaballah
Ajman University, UAE
Dr. Kamis Gaballah is currently Associate Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Ajman University, UAE. Since graduation on 1993 Dr. Gaballah showed a great interest in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for which he was extensively trained and practiced in many countries including Libya, Egypt, Ireland, United Kingdom, Norway and UAE. During his surgical training he was awarded with the fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in both England and Ireland . Dr. Gaballah was also formally trained in Oral Medicine at the Trinity College Dublin of the Ireland. Up on his completion of the professional surgical training and practicing for several years in the field, he has joined the University of London for intensive and novel research on the cancer gene therapy. His research work focused on the use of the tissue engineering, virus-mediated gene therapy for head and neck cancer and oral potentially malignant lesions and also the inhibition of angiogenesis to prevent the recurrence of head and neck cancer in surgically treated patients. He has published his novel research outcome in highly-ranked journals and his papers were cited by significant number of authors all over the world. His academic interest was expanded to include the higher education teaching and learning for which he was formally trained at the University of London and warded with membership of the UK council of higher education before joining the King’s College London as a Clinical Lecturer in Oral Surgery.