Eriberto Bressan
University of Padova, Italy
Title: Fixed prosthesis supported by implants- New possibilities of retention: Faster, simpler and more effective
Biography: Eriberto Bressan
Nowadays, dental implantology is a reliable technique for treatment of partially and completely edentulous patients. The achievement of stable dentition is ensured by fixed dental prostheses. Morse taper system can provide fixed retention between implants and dental prosthesis without cement or screw. This system presents advantages both for clinician and patients, in term of time, cost and biological point of view. This prosthesis is fixed for patient but easy to remove for dentist and this system could help to maintain the health of soft peri-implant tissue. Actually, data on both in vitro and clinical performance of Cone-Morse retention are available, to confirm such trend on alternative of implant-supported restoration.