Roula AL-Bounni
Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry & Pharmacy, Saudi Arabia
Title: Indirect veneers as a permanent esthetic treatment
Biography: Roula AL-Bounni
Every new material or technique introduced to the field of dentistry aims to achieve esthetic and successful dental treatments with minimal invasiveness. Therefore, indirect laminate veneers have developed for advanced esthetic problems of anterior teeth. Tooth discolorations, rotated teeth, coronal fractures, congenital or acquired malformations, diastemas, discolored restorations, palatally positioned teeth, abrasions and erosions are the main esthetic problems for many patients, and it's basically the main indications for indirect laminate veneers. Also, along passing time, Changes in color, shape, and structural abnormalities of anterior teeth might lead to important esthetic problems for patient, for that laminate veneers could be a good conservative solution for all these problems. Indirect Laminate veneers are applied on prepared tooth surfaces by resin cements. Absence of necessity for tooth preparation, low cost, Intraoral polishing of indirect laminate veneers is easy to use, long term of longevity, all of these are some advantages of this technique, however, the main disadvantages of indirect veneers are high cost, difficulties to repair, and some time the invasive preparation comparing with direct composite veneers. But it's worth mentioning that the ceramic veneers and the ideal application of this technique are the main factors to achieve long lifespan for successful outcome. By this technique we can get lot of benefits with wide range of people who seek improvements in there distorted smile due to numerous problems in anterior teeth.