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Luljeta Ferizi Shabani

Luljeta Ferizi Shabani

University Dental Clinical Center of Kosovo - Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

Title: The Correlation between DMFT and OHI-S Index among 10-15 Years Old Children in Kosova


Biography: Luljeta Ferizi Shabani


Introduction: The DMFT and OHI-S indexes are two of the most important quantitative factors, measuring tooth health and oral hygiene.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between DMFT and OHI-S indexes in 10-15 years old children treated at the University Dentistry Clinical Center of Kosova- Pediatric Dentistry Clinic.
Methods: The study has been carried out during 2 years period (2013-2014) on 695 children (51.7% females and 48.3% males), ages 10-15 years from urban and rural areas, included in this cross-sectional study. Children’s oral health status was evaluated using the WHO caries diagnostic criteria for Decayed, Missing and Filled teeth (DMFT), and simplified oral hygiene index by Green-Vermilion (OHI-S).
Results: The findings of our study demonstrated that children aged 10-15-year-old living in the urban areas had higher prevalence of caries than those in rural areas. The average and standard deviation of DMFT in children from urban areas was 2.8 and 2.1, respectively the average and standard deviation of DMFT was 2.4 and 1.7, for children from rural areas. OHI-S index, on the other hand, showed an average 1.4.
Conclusion: Based on the result of the t-test, the correlation coefficient was r=0.70. We have concluded that there is a strong correlation between DMFT and OHI-S index in children 10-15 years old, but they had high caries prevalence. Preventive approach and measures are recommended for children due to higher caries prevalence, related to their diet and poor oral health maintenance.

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