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Monisha Singhal

Chandra Dental College, India

Title: Modern techniques in management of white spots of tooth enamel


Biography: Monisha Singhal


White spot lesions are frequently seen because of incipient caries, Developmental Defect of Enamel or post-orthodontic decalcification in the dental clinics. These lesions present esthetic problems as well as the progression of demineralization.. Various conventional treatments available i.e topical agents in form of creams, pastes and remineralizing agents such as fluoride therapy, casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate pastes, bleaching therapy ,Microabrasion, conventional bonding and veneering agents.. DMG Icon is a new minimally invasive technique which works through resin infiltration on enamel defects. With DMG Icon, white spot lesions are stabilized while the anatomical shape and color of the noncavitated white spot defects of enamel are masked.

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