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Kedar Bakshi

Kedar Bakshi

Sai Smile Dental Care Clinic, India

Title: Incorporating occlusion in day to day practice for better oral health


Biography: Kedar Bakshi


In day to day practice we need to treat patients for crown and bridge, fillings, implants with occlusal wear, abfraction, loss of anterior guidance. There is definite cause and effect relationship. So if occlusal disease is present then how to treat patients in day to day practice?.... traditional way … that is at intercuspal position (IP or MIP) or at Centric Relation(CR ) . What are the signs of occlusal disease, muscle incoordination? How it affects health? Are we really restoring our patients to health in? Is there any easy and practical way to bring health back due to occlusal disease? Is it possible to increase success of endodontic treatment or implants just by correcting occlusal disease? Are we doing unnecessary Endodontics when traumatic occlusion is present? All these issues in day to day practice will be discussed.