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Gaurav Singh

AMU, India

Title: Immediate Loading Revisited With the Concept of Intra-Oral Welding


Biography: Gaurav Singh


In implant dentistry, it has been claimed that process of Osseointegration requires on an average undisturbed healing of three months in mandible and six months in maxilla. To decrease this time the concept of immediate loading was introduced, initially many clinicians were doubtful about immediate loading. They advised that immediate load exerted at implant interface may interfere with the process of bone healing, lead to implant failure. But, many clinical and in Vitro trials have shown that long term success of removable and fixed prosthesis of immediate loaded implants can be achieved. Bone quality and quantity may play significant role. Beside accurate presurgical diagnostic and treatment planning, implant Macro & Micro design, the adequate fixation and immobility of the Implant are of utmost importance to prevent the risk of micro movement related to surrounding bones. A high predictability of immediate implant loading with fixed provisional restoration has been shown in many reports.
All previously describe technique for reinforcement of acrylic resin provisional restorations involve either the use of thin wire or fibers throughout the span, or a time consuming fabrication of a cast metal framework. The main objective of this presentation is to introduce a prosthetic concept for an accelerated rigid splinting of multiple implants for same day immediate loading with metal reinforced acrylic resin provisional restorations by utilizing the Syncrystallization technique.

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