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Ashwin M. Jawdekar

Ashwin M. Jawdekar

YMT Dental College and Hospital India

Title: Evidence Based Restorative Pediatric Dentistry


Biography: Ashwin M. Jawdekar


Pediatric restorative dentistry is challenging due to various reasons. Limited mouth opening, isolation difficulties, poor micromechanical bonding to primary enamel, and above all, unpredictable child behaviour are the common reasons for poor success of intra-coronal restorations in primary teeth. Furthermore, the success of restorations is also an outcome of caries control and prevention in the long run. This presentation overviews the recent concepts and techniques in the restorative management of dental caries in children based on recent best evidence. It includes topics such as caries risk assessment, minimally invasive approaches, stepwise excavation, sealing of caries, pit and fissure sealants, preventive resin restorations, glass-ionomer and composite restorative materials, stainless steel crowns and anterior crown restorations.