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Shady A M Negm

Shady A M Negm

Pharos University, Egypt

Title: Common Implant Mishaps and Failures due to practitioners careless procedures or lack of knowledge regarding implantology


Biography: Shady A M Negm


Depending on our long time practice in the field of implant, We would give you some tips regarding implant failures and mistakes which might happen. The reason of developing so many dental implant mistakes is because of implant dentistry was not a part of the dental school curriculum of the vast majority of dentists in practice today. Only now are dental schools starting to incorporate adequate training in implantology. So that, there are many reasons that mistakes happen. Many dentists simply don’t possess the training or qualifications necessary to be successful. Sadly, these dentists are more concerned with saving money by cutting corners or performing a procedure too quickly. Below we have provided several factors that can contribute to dental implant mistakes. And we will illustrate the Common Reasons for Dental Implant Failure; Many dentists use two-dimensional panoramic x-rays to place dental implants. Although this method works well for most dental surgeries, there is much more sophisticated technology available for dental implants. So we have to use 3-D CT scans which give a much clearer Figure of the exact position of nerves and blood vessels present in the bone. These powerful CT scans combined with radiography techniques are used to best determine the precise placement of every dental implant. They only take a few minutes and radiation exposure is minimum. Another main reason for dental implant failure is the quality of the fixture. With over two hundred companies that provide dental implants, there are only a handful of reputable companies with proven research that documents their reliability and quality. The Temptation is great for dentists to save on costs with cheaper fixtures. Costs vary greatly with substandard products, coming in nearly one-one hundredth of the cost of high quality fixtures. We are learning now that cutting on costs can lead to serious complications and problems for the patient. Substandard materials can be used to save costs. Also many complications can result like infection, nerve damage that causes facial numbness and pain, or the implant can be misplaced into the sinus cavity.